Happy Epiphany Eve! This is the last day of our Twelve Days of Christmas Carols. Since we are on the eve of Epiphany, when the church celebrates the coming of the…
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins…
Yesterday, I pointed out some flaws in the lyric of “The First Noel.” Today, I’m looking at a carol that our pastor says is very theologically sound: “Hark! The Herald…
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel. Born is the King of Israel! Have you ever wondered what in the world we’re singing when we repeat “Noel” a countless number of times around…
In the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” five is the magical number where the frantic lines sung on either side have to pause as we belt out at the…
On Christmas Day, a friend of mine had an interesting post on Facebook that got me thinking. He talked about what different people call this season, what it’s all about to them…
If I had to pick just one, my favorite Christmas carol would be “O Holy Night.” So, it would only be natural for me to talk about it on this…
On this “Second Day of Christmas” let’s take a look at the carol “Joy to the World.” This is such a joyous song and in many traditions the first song…
Just about the time many people are ready for Christmas to be over, much of the world is just getting started celebrating the birth of Jesus. About the most any…